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interactive exhibits, props & models for environmental education & events
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Welcome to Sticky Exhibits

Whole in One at Landed Festival


We help change the world one conversation at a time. We use creativity to help start conversations about environmental issues.  We help those who educate and promote awareness about sustainable development to access interactive exhibits, props and models in order to captivate, inspire and provoke positive change.

Use this web site to:

  • Browse our environmental exhibit collection for your events
  • Find out more about Sticky Exhibits and our work to help education for sustainable development (ESD)
  • Support our work and help grow our exhibit collection for use at environmental events around the UK
  • Connect with us via our facebook page or twitter.

The material on this web site, unless otherwise stated is copyright of Sticky Exhibits 2005-2008 and Sticky Exhibits Community Interest Company 2008-2017.


So you can find our page more easily we have added this rather long footnote as an experiment, please forgive, but some search engines don't like little sites.  You could really help our search engine rankings by linking to our site and calling your link one of our keywords!

Some people call them eco exhibits, green exhibits, environmental exhibits, sustainable development exhibits, eco art exhibits, or sustainability exhibits.  Maybe you call them eco displays, interactive displays, green displays, environmental displays, sustainable development displays eco art displays, or sustainability displays!  Whatever you call them we might be able to help with your environmental awareness events, environmental events, environmental stall, environmental awareness stall, eco awareness events, eco events, art events, arts events, art festival, eco stall, green events, green stall, sustainable development events, or sustainability events, sustainability awareness events, or sustainability awareness stall.  For that matter we often just help inject an education for sustainable development (ESD) angle into general events - the type of events where we are not just preaching to the converted!  We often work at festivals and creative art events. Some of our exhibit collections make great visual art installations

Our education for sustainable development (ESD) project was set up to help with eco promotions.  It seemed there was a lack of resources for green promotions and environmental promotions.  Thus we came to be in order to help with sustainable development promotions, sustainability promotions and general sustainable promotions, whatever you call them. 

If we can help in some way in mission to promote eco awareness do please get in touch.  Maybe we can help to raise green awareness or environmental awareness.  Alternatively YOU may be able to help US with our sustainability awareness work: sustainable development awareness needs all the help it can get!

Now that we are in the UN Decade of education for sustainable development (ESD), it seems likely that eco campaigns or green campaigns will need to up the ante.  The challenges humanity faces on planet earth means that awareness campaigns, green campaigns, environmental campaigns and sustainability campaigns need to hit that mark.   If you can support us develop our work to create exhibits, resources, props, models costumes and art to help sustainable development campaigns that would be brilliant.  Like many projects, we more often than not exist on a shoe string and environmental interactives, eco interactives, eco art installations and green interactives don't always come cheap, despite the hundreds of hours of voluntary time we put in!  Our aim is to create environmental interactives and eco art installations of the highest quality.  The public is bombarded with messages it is important that our sustainability interactives, or should we say sustainable development interactives are the best. 

We hope you will agree that the future of eco communications or green communications is important.  We think the time has come for environmental comunications and sustainable development communications, but we are not about 'green wash' but helping education for sustainable development practitioners and campaigners with their work  on sustainable communications or sustainability communications.  Its grass roots events that we are most interested in. It goes without saying that communicating sustainable development or communicating sustainability is a great challenge but a vital one for the 21st Century. Communicating climate change has recently become a really big issues for example (whilst climate change has been a bigger issue for much longer!) We are not about didatic education, our approach is based on mix of education, entertainment ,experiential learning and creative arts.

In the UN Decade of ESD, environmental education and green education are critical elements if we are to succeed.  Whether you are a school working on ESD a community group working on a community event or maybe a business working on corporate social responsibility (CSR) working togther we can make Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) count.  Please help us make an impression for people and planet!

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