interactive exhibits, props & models for environmental education & events
about us
Sticky Exhibits is a volunteer run not-for-profit organisation based in Chester, England, UK. We specialise in creative resources (interactive exhibits, props and models) to engage people with environmental issues in the face of deeply unsustainable systems of human development. Our exhibits help start conversations about sustainability. We are working to establish a 'library' of creative resources and to make these available on a not-for-profit basis to those who promote sustainable development (ESD) or simply seek to engage people via creative means to help change the world one conversation at a time. We started in June 2005 as a voluntary project when we developed our first collection of environmental exhibits - mainly about renewable energy - road testing them at various events mostly in Northwest England. In 2006 we began work on our second collection of environmental exhibits forming the 'Earth Arcade' - a renewable powered eco-themed games arcade - and tested these exhibits at various events during 2007. In 2008 Sticky Exhibits became Sticky Exhibits Community Interest Company a not for profit company limited by guarantee (Company No. 6512455). The move to becoming a Community Interest Company gave the project a legal form and confirmed our status as a not for profit organisation. In theory it enables us to access further potential sources of funding. We are still very much a volunteer run operation and remain reliant on donations and fundraising activities to pay our bills (storage costs, insurance etc.)
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